High Noble Yellow Alloy with 72%Au
High Noble Yellow Alloy with 90%Au
High Noble White Alloy with 54%Au - Low Silver
White diagnostic wax disc
Wax disc for milling
Wax disc for milling
Wax disc for milling
Wax disc for milling
Wax disc for milling
Wax disc for milling
Wax Disc for Milling
Carvable Wax Disc for Milling
Nickel-Chrome-Beryllium Alloy for VITA Porcelain
Nickel-Chrome-Beryllium Alloy for VITA Porcelain
Nickel-Chrome-Beryllium Alloy for VITA Porcelain
Partial alloy with exceptional ductility
Cobalt Chrome Alloy for Partial Dentures
Nickel-Chrome-Beryllium Alloy
Nickel-Chrome-Beryllium Alloy
Nickel-Chrome-Beryllium Alloy
1 2 63 64 65 67 69 70 71 147 148